Sunday, February 6, 2011

Is it possible to cure arthritis by will alone?

I am an atheist (Christian for 10 + years) you'll see my aunt told me that a "miracle of God," the story of how after days and possibly weeks after that one night he awoke in pain could not stand. After praying / begging for the pain disappears suddenly, she was without pain. That's faith! Ah, that's what is called the placebo effect. How it works: The doctor gives the patient a sugar pill, and says he is medicine. The patient thinks the doctor is telling the truth and take the sugar pill and the pain disappears. The sugar pill does not actually get rid of the pain, but because the patient believes so strongly that it would be, not the patient feels no pain. The same concept can be applied to what his aunt did. She believed that God would make their pain go away, so they did, but nothing really happened. It's called the placebo effect. It's basically when you think something is going to heal, endorphins are released by your body to cover up the pain. It's the same for prayer, faith healing, some "traditional" medicine, and of course medical placebo (a pill sucks) This is for the conditions, the only pain a few other effects in order, but the pain can be a symptom of a potentially life threatening condition so it is always best to see a doctor only .


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